Experimental Still Life 2022 - Gabriella Buckingham

Experimental Still Life 2022

It’s just over 3 weeks until my 6 week course Experimental Still Life begins. I teach the class live ( but on line) with some recordings from last year and some pre recorded video material. You get one-to-one attention, if you want it, and a chance to ask questions live at least three times a week while you watch me paint.

I set up www.braveinpaint.com a couple of years ago to help artists like me want to go from feeling tentative about their work to bravely painting to discover their way of approaching their art. This course is perfect for someone who is familiar with acrylics but not fully developed in their process. It’s for explorer painters who want to take a subject and discover how they want to treat it. Before the course begins there is a week of free teaching called Discover Your Art where we look at the ingredients of an artist, common issues that can derail us and how to feel more free in your work and life. DYA runs from May 11- 15th and EXL from May 23rd - July 1st

Both courses are enrolling now. You can read all about ESL 2022 here

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